
Choose a subscription plan that best fits your needs and enjoy the full power of reverse image search.

Begin with Starter

Unlock up to 50 results a month

The Starter subscription allows you to unlock up to 50 image sources. You can unlock and see the exact websites where your images appear.

Create 10 Alerts

coming soon

Alerts allow you to set up email notifications for new image results that lenso finds. You can also explore the latest results in your user profile - lenso will inform you how many and what matches it has found. Create up to 10 alerts for any images in your chosen categories!

Use Filter options

Find out how easy it is to find any image you’re looking for with lenso’s website and text filters. Filter your search to find only the best matches!

Save results to Collections

Keep track of your searches with Collections - save images you love for later on your profile.

begin with starter image

Unlock the power of with the Professional plan

Unlock up to 500 results a month

Reveal the full potential of reverse image search and unlock up to 500 image sources a month. It enables users to find the original image source.

Create 50 Alerts

coming soon

Create up to 50 different alerts. Then, will perform periodic searches and you will receive notifications by email with new results, or explore them on your profile, in the alerts tab.

Export of results to CSV file

Find out how easy it is to find any image you’re looking for with lenso’s website and text filters. Filter your search to find only the best matches!

Everything in Starter

Continue to explore filter options on and narrow your search with website and text filters. Do not forget to save image results to collections!

professional image

Gain access to API with the Developer plan

Unlock up to 5000 results a month

Unlock up to 5,000 results per month. It's perfect for those who need to search for a large number of images online to find the original website where the image was found & hosted.

Create 500 Alerts

coming soon

Create up to 500 different alerts. Explore the latest results in your user profile. Additionally, users will receive a notification on email with brand new results from lenso’s last search.

Access to 5000 API calls a month

coming this year

Build your own applications or integrate lenso's reverse image search into your website with our 5,000 API calls per month package. Integration is quick and easy, and lenso's API is optimized for smooth performance.

Everything in Professional

Keep track of your searches on by exporting image sources as a CSV file. Continue to explore filter options (website and text) and save image results to collections.

developer image

Looking for a custom package?

If you are looking for an individual offer, feel free to reach out to us and we get back to you with a tailored proposition.

Contact us

Addressing your concerns

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about conditions of usage, how to search effectively, what benefits does subscription give you, and much more.

FAQ page
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How to change your subscription plan on


How to change your subscription plan on

If you purchased a subscription on lenso, and you’re looking for a way to change your plan, this is the tutorial for you! Find out how to upgrade, downgrade or cancel your subscription, and how it will affect your payment plan.

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How to use – a simple tutorial to reverse image search on desktop and phone


How to use – a simple tutorial to reverse image search on desktop and phone

If you’re new to and want to test its capabilities, this is the tutorial for you! Find out how to search for images, filter and sort pictures, explore categories, and more - from your phone or computer.

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Why should you join the subscription plan on


Why should you join the subscription plan on

There are a variety of tools that enable AI image search, that is why it is crucial to conduct research and choose the tool that best fits your needs and goals. Below you will explore the main features and find out why should you join the subscription plan on