Testing Environment

To ensure fairness, we conducted three searches using different images: a place, a person, and an object (a plain eggplant image in this case). While results may vary depending on location, this serves as a good test of search personalization and accuracy. Without further ado, let’s dive into the experiment.

Images Used

Here are the images we used. Feel free to try the search yourself — simply copy the pictures and upload them to any search engine!

Cairo Women Eggplant

Google Lens

cairo Google Lens

A major advantage of Google’s place search is its ability to detect and display the exact location, as long as it can be identified.

women Google Lens

When searching for people, Google isn’t the best solution. It can locate copies of the same image but struggles to find multiple images of the same individual.

eggplant Google Lens

Google found numerous similar images from Freepik but not the exact one. The original image is available in the “Exact matches” tab, but it’s not the first result.


cairo lenso.ai

Lenso.ai retrieved various images of the same place from different perspectives. It also identified the same image on multiple websites.

women lenso.ai

Lenso.ai features built-in facial recognition, allowing users to find the same person in different photos.

eggplant lenso.ai

Lenso.ai categorized its findings into duplicates, related images, and similar images. Each category provided distinct results, including the exact image, as well as various images of eggplants or other vegetables.


cairo Bing

Bing successfully located the exact image, though not from the original source. It also identified the location where the photo was taken.

women Bing

Bing’s search quality was comparable to Google’s. It found a different image of the same woman and a few similar images of other individuals.

eggplant Bing

Bing located the exact image in several places, along with many similar pictures.


cairo TinEye

TinEye identified the original source of the image but did not display any similar images.

women TinEye

TinEye didn’t find any results for this image.

eggplant TinEye

It located a few copies of the same image.


cairo Yandex

Yandex found both copies and different perspectives of the place. It also displayed the location’s name, but only in Russian.

women Yandex

Yandex provided more results for the same woman, though not as many as Lenso.ai.

eggplant Yandex

Yandex located a mix of identical and similar images and included a brief description of the vegetable.


While most reverse image search engines performed fairly well, we ranked them based on overall experience and search quality:

  1. Lenso.ai
  2. Yandex
  3. Google Lens
  4. Bing
  5. TinEye

According to our research, lenso.ai outperformed others by finding all the images and categorizing them. Additionally, it was the only tool capable of identifying faces. However, it didn’t provide additional information about places or objects.

Yandex ranked second, delivering good search quality. However, it didn’t identify faces, and its interface was limited to Russian.

Google Lens performed adequately but struggled with face recognition and finding identical matches.

Bing Search offered similar results to Google but lacked categorization, and its interface was less intuitive.

Lastly, TinEye ranked lowest, as it failed to find results for one image and provided fewer results overall.

Share this article on social media and let us know which reverse image search website is your favorite! See you in the next one!


Kinga Jasinska

Marketing Specialist